Assessment- Superman

For this class you asked to write our reaction to the Superman comic “Whatever happened to the man of the future?” Along with what connects we made in the story.
Reading what was going on without being much a Superman fan, my reaction was pretty overwhelmed. I was bombarded with evil villains I have hardly herd of or seen before this, all breaking the ever famous Superman comic code of never killing anyone ever. This must of been a lot for him having all this happen at once. However the story doesn’t add up in places and I’m sure that was on purpose do to Lois telling the story. In the end of the novel you see Lois kissing her husband with a weird mustache, talking about super man while their son, who literary looks exactly like baby super man, is turning coal into diamonds. It’s obvious to say that superman didnt kill himself but lives on as a normal father. Plus is gold kcyptonite even a thing? I always thought it was green, and why would he just own a room full of it in his secret house? Does every hero have a suicide room they go to when they felt they hacked up a job? The friends that Lois even claimed died are probably fine living a new life to keep them safe. 
You also asked us if we’re to have this story in a different medium, what would we use and what changes would make. 

I personally think movies try to cram to much story or not enough for most super hero films, I think TV series do it better. However this is a short and super dramatic comic. It would take to much money and actors to fill so many rolls (the villains mostly) and filming the suicide of Superman just doesn’t seem like a great idea. So if this were to be a short TV show, I’d suggest a quick Netflix Original style, animated series. Kind of like their most recent series Devil Crybaby, except not anime, although that might be better considering how dramatic it is. I wouldn’t change much to the story, maybe use more popular villians? I definitely wouldn’t kill the dog. Leave the dog alone. He gets a new life too. That’s about it. 


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