World wide comics - Blacksad

When it comes to older comics I really prefer European comics as the stories don’t tend to be as typical or censored and carry more fantasy elements. Same thing goes for the art which I’ve found in a lot of the examples shared in the course website to contain A LOT more color then other older comics. 
The comic I’m choosing to talk about for the world wide pick will be Blacksad by Juan Diaz and Juanjo Guarnido. The comic contains a world run by anthropomorphic characters, our main character being a regular cat who is a detective. Each comic contains a new mystery he has swindled himself into solving. The interesting dynamic of black sad is it’s style, and how the artist chose to depict characters through animals but still refers to human traits and forms of racism. The time line takes place around Jim crow era and even depicts a black and whites only bathroom, but they are all just animals relying on the reader. This comics amazing art brings up humans history of racism without showing a single human. However the characteristics given to certain animals can lead you to believe what a character would be if they were human. They even depict heavy drug use and the effects of alcohol on the animals. The artist does incredible job of getting different human qualities and likeness in his animals that it is mind blowing. No other anthro media I’ve consumed has ever quite gotten the high quality of original anthro caricature unless it’s directly taken inspiration from blacksad. 
A comic that inspired millions of artists to anthropomorphize there stories and enriching an already diverse community of animal cartoon fans, also know as the ever famous Furry community. This series is held in the highest regard in the community for its beautiful watercolor style and for its story that keeps you on edge. It has been established as one of the more historical anthro pieces that still has a large hand in many anthro story tellers and comics that are produced now. Even Disneys Zootopia was directly inspired by this series. 

It continues to be passed around the community today and loved by millions. 


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