Scott pilgrim

Scott pilgrim is like any dude trying to get over his ex girlfriend, by finding another girlfriend. However he runs Romona, she is some one is who is strange and stands out on her own and doesn’t apologize for it. Dating her would be a breeze but her 7 evil ex’s out are out kick Scott’s ass and he has to prepare to fight or risk losing his new found love. In this comic all characters share a band and it’s super relevant through the whole comic and shown as a weapon against the evil forces. This comic shows life lesson and how to level up in the world like a Mario game. The exaggerated colors And over all aesthic writing of this comic is so genuine and original, I remember first reading this in high school a little after my best friend started drying her hair all the time to be more like Ramona. I thought it was the coolest thing so of course I’d pick up a web series like this. The story centers around change and being able to move on and be better. Scott fights himself and his inner demons and makes better descisions that aren’t selfish covers for his insecurity but actual good for his friends and himself. Don’t we all wish we could learn life as easy as Scott. Just maybe not get blown into a million coins for it.


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