This one summer

This One Summer is a beautiful emotional roller coaster of being s preteen trying to enjoy her summer with her child hood best friend and family. Like most families their is fighting and an unhappy marriage, her best friend is odd and stands against the crowd, and our main little character is Rose. This comic made me cry my eyes out for this simpler time. This is the best written and shown depiction of preteen girls I have ever seen in my life. Drinking to much soda, eating to much candy, sharing dreams, talking about what little they know about sex and love and feeling super cool for sneaking horror movies. I love, love, love this novel. It’s offcialy very dear to me. I recal so many similar moments of my summer,  from being absolutely miserable due to a secretive upset mother, to rolling down main beach roads on my bike, to watching boys and girls much older then me with fascination wondering when is my turn. This novel is beautifully drawn and a great coming of age story that actually captures what young girls are like. I will be recommending this to many people for this novel has stayed emotionally with me. It feels weird to relate and miss this age when it was so miserable and strange. I’m 21 but this story feels like it just happened yesterday for me.


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